Thursday, May 12, 2022

A thank you card from a ref to a lacrosse team

 Here is the handwritten Thank You note that my son received after his varsity lacrosse game tonight. It was too good not to share:


Dear men,

I am requesting that your goalie read this to you all, with my deep appreciation and thankfulness for your time and attention.

Just over 50 years ago, I too was chasing after loose balls, fast attackmen, and attempting to pass the ball to "someone who could do something with it," in practices and Monroe County games. It was and still is a fast and exciting game no matter the changes in rules, technology of the equipment and coaching acumen. 

Your goalie, greets us, officials, after being scored upon with the phrase, "Thank you for being an official." It is very generous and unselfish of him and as a leader of your team reflects well upon all of you!

I wish to thank all of you for your efforts, sportsmanship, love for teammate and team and love and honor of "the game."

Lacrosse and spring are always special times to me... New life, unlimited potential and possibilities, the crisp cold weather giving way to warm sunny days and cool pleasant nights, the exhilaration of the face-off, the fast break, a great outlet pass or stick check! As my strength, speed and vigor begin to leave me I smile and remain happy that the game will be in good hands with you gentlemen. Please consider reffing after your playing days come to an end.

With much gratitude,

A very old ref

God bless. 

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